Research Analytics

Sponsored Research Current Fiscal Year

A report detailing the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) research awards for the current Fiscal Year. This report is updated monthly and excludes all Division of Agriculture data

Sponsored Research Historic Data

A report detailing the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) research awards for the fiscal years 2015-2022. This report is updated at the start of each new Fiscal Year and excludes all Division of Agriculture data

Research Insights and Discovery Tool

This tool allows for the exploration of research award data via text mining and network analysis. This version is public-facing and excludes all industry-related data as well as excludes proposal data.


Research Expenditures

Report showcasing our research expenditures by agency and expenditure field, Fiscal Year 15-22.

Articles and Honorific Awards

Explore our research articles, conference proceedings, books, and honorific awards.